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제목 | [CTCN] NewClimate Institute |
분류 | CTCN |
NewClimate InstituteCountry of registration: Germany
Network member number: N0092
Acronym: NewClimate Institute
Address : Am Hof 20-26, 50667 Cologne, Germany Website: http://newclimate.org Relation to CTCN: Network Member, Knowledge Partner CTCN Keyword Matches: Agriculture, Bioenergy, Climate change monitoring, Energy efficiency, Energy supply from waste, Mitigation, Renewable energy Type of organisation: Not for profit organisation Type of climate technology services: Capacity building, Knowledge management, Policy and planning Enablers: Communication and awareness, Governance and planning, Capacity building and training Sector(s) of expertise : Mitigation, Energy efficiency NewClimate Institute is a limited liability non-profit company (GmbH) established in 2014. NewClimate Institute supports research and implementation of action against climate change around the globe. NewClimate Institute generates and shares knowledge on international climate negotiations, tracking climate action, climate and development, climate finance and carbon market mechanisms. NewClimate Institute connects up-to-date research with the real world decision making processes, making it possible to increase ambition in acting against climate change and contribute to finding sustainable and equitable solutions. Climate Action Tracker provides regularly updated information on countries’ emission reduction policies. It reflects the latest status of the progress being made at international climate negotiations on mitigation commitments. The Climate Policy Database collects information on currently implemented policies related to climate change mitigation from countries worldwide. The objective of the portal is to provide an open, collaborative platform for quick information access, policy analysis and good-practice sharing. Active in: Worldwide
출처 | CTCN (Climate Technology Centre & Network) |
원문보기 | View Original> |
다음글 | World Resources Institute (WRI) |