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Global(글로벌) 보고서 상세보기
제목 GCF in Brief: Simplified Approval Process
The Green Climate Fund is moving quickly to build a large and transformative project portfolio, with many projects already under implementation. To simplify and streamline the approval of certain small scale projects, GCF’s Board has approved a new approach: the Simplified Approval Process (SAP). The simplifications in this new approach should lead to a reduction in time and effort required to go from project conception to implementation.
출처 https://www.greenclimate.fund/publications/gcf-in-brief-simplified-approval-process?inheritRedirect=true&redirect=%2Fwhat-we-do%2Fnewsroom%2Fpublications
'Global(글로벌) 보고서' 이전글 다음글
이전글 GCF in Brief: Adaptation Planning
다음글 GCF in Brief: Readiness