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제목 TEC 18

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Information for participants
Notification to Parties and Observers


TEC/2019/18/1   Provisional agenda for TEC 18
TEC/2019/18/2   Annotations to the provisional agenda for TEC 18
TEC/2019/18/3   Tentative work schedule for TEC 18
TEC/2019/18/4   Updated evaluation of the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer
TEC/2019/18/5   Background note on development of the joint policy brief of the TEC and the WIM ExCom
TEC/2019/18/6   Approach for development of the rolling workplan of the TEC
TEC/2019/18/7   Potential areas of collaboration and joint activities of the TEC and CTCN


Reference documents
Katowice decisions and conclusions relevant to the work of the TEC
Decision 15/CMA.1 - Technology framework under Article 10, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement
Decision 16/CMA.1 - Scope of and modalities of the periodic assessment referred to in paragraph 69 of decision 1/CP.21
IPCC Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5 ºC - Summary for policymakers
Decision 3/CP.23 - Establishment of a gender action plan
TEC/2017/14/8   Terms of reference for updating the TEC report of the evaluation of the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer


 3a - Outcomes of the Katowice climate change conference of December 2018
 3b - Outlook for 2019 - Update on relevant meetings and initiatives
 4a - Overview of activities undertaken by the TEC under 2016-2018 rolling workplan 
4b - PSP evaluation in context of the Technology Mechanism
 4b - Update of the evaluation report of the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer
 4c - Joint policy brief of the TEC and the Excom
 5a.i - IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C
 5a.ii - Integrating gender considerations - Capacity-building session
 5a.ii - Gender responsive technology development and transfer
 5b.i - Introduction to the technology framework and the periodic assessment
 5b.ii - Approach for developing the TEC rolling workplan
 5b.ii - Outcomes of breakout groups
 5c - Potential area for collaboration and joint activities of the TEC and CTCN 


TEC - CTCN Joint Session (March 27)
 Highlights of TEC work in 2018
 Potential areas for collaboration and joint activities between the TEC and CTCN
 Outcomes of breakout groups
 Monitoring & Evaluation of Technology Mechanism activities


Meeting report and other documents

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Category TEC
출처 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
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