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제목 Developing a national policy for deploying and scaling up e-mobility


The capital city of Accra with 4% of the population growth rate is one of the fastest urbanizing cities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The economic expansion coupled with urbanization and population growth has led to a rapid increase in the number of road transport. According to the estimates, the Accra alone hosts more than 50% of total registered vehicles nationwide, which is 1,134,599 vehicles (EPA, 2017). The most frequently used modes of road transports are private cars, taxis, mini-bus (tro-tro) and buses. In 2016, GHG emissions by the transport sector were estimated to have a 7% increase relative to the levels reported in 2012. In addition, the emissions from the transport sector alone make up 47% of emissions from the entire energy sector.

Recognizing various climate risks in relation to energy and transport sector nationwide, the country’s INDC submitted in 2015 noted the transport sector as one of the priority areas for actions and specified to ‘Scale up sustainable mass transportation’ by expanding inter and intra city mass transportation modes in 4 cities including Accra with improved fuel efficiency. E-mobility is globally recognized as a viable and attractive option that can help the country redress the adverse issues faced with the conventional transportation system.

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[프로젝트사례] 이전글 다음글
이전글 Developing a national framework for deploying and scaling up e-mobility
다음글 Capacity assessment on local grid integration of solar or renewable energy