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제목 Development of a geothermal direct use project in PK20 Ambado

The Republic of Djibouti has commited to emission reductions of 40% by 2030 compared to business as usual scenarios. In order to explore geothermal energy as a means to reducing greenhouse gases, the Government has established the Djiboutian Office of Geothermal Energy Development (ODDEG), and the Djiboutian Agnecy for Energy Management. The former has started drilling of two geothermal shallow wells in the PK20-Ambado area to confirm the viability of the resource in this area. Depending on the productivity of the geothermal wells, the project envisions implementing geothermal energy for milk pasteurization, small scale agriculture, and industries for local communities.  The  ODDEG requested CTCN assistance with plans for implementation.

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