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제목 [2024.03.06~07 / Virtual] Informal Exchange of Views on the Preparation for the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue 2024
Open Meeting: Parties and Observers

Meeting 1: Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 20:30 to 22:30 hours (GMT)
Meeting 2: Thursday, 7 March 2024, 13:00 to 15:00 hours (GMT)

Objective of the Virtual Meeting for the Informal Exchange of Views                                

In accordance with the mandate of Decision 1/CP.27, para 49, the co-facilitators of the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue (“dialogue”) are organizing the informal exchange to consult with Parties and observers on their views and guidance on the topics for the dialogue, the structure and format of the dialogue, and the expected dialogue outcomes.

Depending on their time zones, representatives of the Parties and observers can join any of the virtual meetings. The agenda for both the meetings is identical.




Time (Meeting 1/Meeting 2)


 Welcome by the co-facilitators

 Meeting 1: 20:30-20:35 Hrs (GMT)
 Meeting 2: 13:00-13:05 Hrs (GMT)


 Co-facilitators presentation

 Meeting 1: 20:35-20:50 Hrs (GMT)
 Meeting 2: 13:05-13:20 Hrs (GMT)


Oral statements from Parties and observers

Views to focus on:

  • Topics for the dialogue
  • Structure of the dialogue
  • Expectations on the outcomes of the dialogue

 Meeting 1: 20:50-22:20 Hrs (GMT)
 Meeting 2: 13:20-14:50 Hrs (GMT)


 Closing by the co-facilitators

 Meeting 1: 22:20-22:30 Hrs (GMT)
 Meeting 2: 14:50-15:00 Hrs (GMT)

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분류 국외 행사
Category Seminar / Conference(International)
출처 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
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