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제목 New report by IRENA: 30 key innovations on renewable energy
Publication date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) presents a new report “Innovation Landscape for a Renewable-Powered Future: Solutions to integrate variable renewables”.

This comprehensive study elaborates on the 30 key innovations that will play an important role in accelerating the transformation of the power sector. The study highlights the broad range of innovations available that could not just accelerate renewable energy deployment to meet demand, but could also help to ensure that the energy transformation is global and inclusive. It seeks to support informed decision-making, assist in the creation of enabling policy frameworks, help nurture targeted innovation and, ultimately, facilitate the accelerated transition to renewables.
The report concludes with an eight-step plan for power-sector transformation: 

o    Anticipate future power system needs
o    Adopt a systemic approach
o    Foster learning by doing
o    Account for changing roles and responsibilities
o    Create synergies through sector coupling
o    Make market-design innovation a priority
o    Turn smart innovations into smart solutions
o    Adopt an open and co-operative approach to innovation

This main report will be augmented by innovation briefs and online resources which will permit closer examination of each innovation type.
For more information, please read here. 

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