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Global Climate Tech Projects

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Title Seeking experts: Projects in Maldives and Papua New Guinea

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is seeking experts for the following technical assistance projects. Deadline to express the interest: 4 August, 2021

The technical assistance will help in conducting a market analysis for the promotion and implementation of low carbon transport through electric vehicles. The outcome of the market analysis will be used to develop a draft policy and a roadmap of action plans for the implementation, from which selected action plans will be undertaken for feasibility study like electrification of the fleet of buses and supporting infrastructure in PNG. The technical assistance will adopt a value chain approach with special attention, made on augmenting the grid with an adequate amount of renewable energy and battery management, at end of batteries’ life.

UNPD Internet Site:
UNGM Portal:

Through this project, a sustainable groundwater extraction system for agricultural practices will be established, and unpolluted groundwater aquifers will be protected in HDh.Nolhivaranfaru Island.

Findings from the technical assistance would support the country to promote sustainable groundwater extraction and management for agricultural practices in HDh.Nolhivaranfaru Island. In particular, by establishing and operating the infiltration gallery system, it is expected that unpolluted groundwater aquifers would be protected in the island. Moreover, the capacity and knowledge of farming communities in the island and agriculture-related stakeholders on sustainable agricultural practices and water use efficiency for agriculture would be strengthened. Based on findings from the project, it is also expected that point groundwater extraction methods currently used in other islands could be replaced with the proposed infiltration gallery system, which would contribute to increasing the capacity of climate resilience with sustainable water supply for agriculture in Maldives.

UNPD Internet Site:
UNGM Portal:

For this call, the CTCN has initiated a new procurement process through the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON). Interested vendors should forward their Expressions of Interest (EOI) along with the signed vendor response form and qualification documents (included in the attachment) addressing the pre-qualification criteria to: with a copy to:

In case you are not a CTCN network member yet, you may still apply (further details are found in the document).

Please note that this request for expression of interest (EOI) is not an invitation for submission of tenders. Its purpose is to identify companies that would be interested and eligible to participate in the solicitation when issued. Vendors that are deemed qualified upon completion of an objective evaluation of their EOI submission will receive the final tender solicitation documents.

StartDate 2021-07-08
EndDate 2021-08-04
View Original URL View Original
Category CTCN TA
Project schedule expired
Sources CTCN (Climate Technology Centre & Network)
국제 기후기술 사업 이전글 다음글
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