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Title Technical guidance and support for conducting a Technology Needs Assessment


Nigeria faces a number of climate change challenges: in the north by drought and desertification advancing southwards with attendant communal clashes between herdsmen and farmers over grazing resources; in the South-East by soil and gully erosion causing frequent landslides with attendant displacement of communities and forced migration; in the South-West by sea-level rise from the 850km-long coastline causing frequent over flooding with attendant disappearance of communal lands and forced migration from ancestral homes. Nigeria’s high vulnerability also stems from her huge infrastructural deficit, inadequate financial resources and lack of requisite skills to mitigate and/or adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Technology is an important aspect in addressing climate change both in climate change adaptation and mitigation.  In Nigeria, the absence of a comprehensive Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) compounds the difficulties of determining the nature and size of support needed for the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), national development priorities and Sustainable Development Goals.

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