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Title [국가녹색기술연구소] The German Coal Phase-Out : Policy Lessons for Green Transition and Job Preservation in South Korea
The German Coal Phase-Out : Policy Lessons for Green Transition and Job Preservation in South Korea


I. Introduction
1. Background
2. Purpose and Need
3. Research Focus

Ⅱ. Coal Power Challenges in South Korea
1. Energy Industry Trends
2. Efforts to Reduce Coal Power in South Korea
3. Emission and Industry Trends in Chungnam

Ⅲ. The German Coal Phase-out: Policies and Implementation
1. The Role of Coal in Germany
2. The German Coal Commision
3. Coal Phase-out Policies in Germany
4. Coal Phase Out Instruments in Germany
5. Ensuring a Just Transiton for Afected Regions and Workers

IV. Applying the German Coal Phase-out Strategy to Chungnam in South Korea
1. Coal Phase-out Efforts
2. Elaborating a Job Preservation Strategy for Korea
3. Power system modernization efforts
4. Grievance Mitgation and Review Efforts

V. Implications
1. Domestic Aplication of the German Coal Phase-out Strategy
2. Elaborating a Job Preservation Strategy for Korea

VI. Conclusions
1. Conclusions and Implication
2. Research Limitations and Challenges
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Sources 국가녹색기술연구소
정책연구 보고서 이전글 다음글
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