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NO Category Title Date Hit
11640 Market trends [이탈리아] 2025년도 이탈리아 경제, 완만한 성장세 지속 전망 NEW 2025.01.17 3
11639 Seminar / Conference(International) [202502.17~19 / 온라인, 미국] The Energy Summit NEW 2025.01.17 3
11638 Seminar / Conference(International) [2025.02.11~2025.02.13 / 독일] World Energy Council Germany: E-world Energy and Water NEW 2025.01.17 3
11637 Seminar / Conference(International) [1.30 / 런던] The Net Zero Investor DC Forum NEW 2025.01.17 3
11636 etc [EU] In focus: Youth and the energy transition NEW 2025.01.17 3
11635 Policy trends [중국] 중국 주간 환경뉴스 브리핑(CEB) Vol.196 1월 2주차 NEW 2025.01.17 3
11634 Market trends [프랑스] 프랑스, 2025년부터 변하는 것들 2025.01.16 4
11633 etc [IRENA] Energy Leaders Convene at IRENA Assembly to Turbo-Charge Energy Transition in 202 2025.01.16 4
11632 etc [EU] New study offers detailed picture of the EU’s net-zero manufacturing industry 2025.01.16 4
11631 Policy trends [러시아] 러시아, 대기보호법 개정 2025.01.16 4
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