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Global Climate Tech Projects

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기후기술·사업 목록
No Category Title Date Hit Project schedule
106 Others [모로코/알제리] [긴급] [지문] [국제] 모로코 마라케시 친환경 전기버스 교통체계구축사업 및 알제리 사이버보안센터 설립사업 통합감리 용역 2024.10.14 10
105 CTCN TA [에콰도르] Call for experts: Adoption of climate technologies applicable to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the floriculture sector in Ecuador 2024.09.30 19 마감
104 Others 르완다 국가 전력망 확충사업 본구매 입찰공고 2024.09.23 24 마감
103 Others 파키스탄 펀잡주 기후변화 적응을 위한 물탄시 홍수방재 마스터플랜 수립 및 우수저류시설 설치 사업 PMC 2024.09.13 37 마감
102 Others RENEWFM: The EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism launches 2nd call for proposals on solar PV and onshore wind 2024.08.01 71 마감
101 CTCN TA Call for Experts: Establishment of an Integrated Salinity Intrusion Data Sharing System, Vietnam 2024.04.29 145 expired
100 CTCN TA Call for Applications: Green Climate Fund - GIZ technology incubator 2024.03.05 167 expired
99 CTCN TA CTCN is seeking experts to assist in the implementation of diverse technical assistance initiatives 2024.02.15 192 expired
98 CTCN TA Enhancing multi-scalar mapping and research on food security risk due to the impacts of climate change on rural and urban environments in Jamaica 2023.09.13 374 expired
97 CTCN TA Call for Experts: Formulating a Grid Code and Developing a Net Metering Policy in Timor-Leste 2023.08.17 387 expired
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