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제목 Barbados signs privileges and immunities agreement with GCF

The government of Barbados has signed an agreement with GCF granting it privileges and immunities in line with those of other international organisations and those applied in the United Nations system.
The agreement was signed in Bridgetown by Jerome Walcott, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Barbados, in the presence of Marsha Caddle, Minister for Economic Affairs and Investment. 
It was counter-signed by Yannick Glemarec, GCF Executive Director, who sent a video message to thank the government of Barbados for its cooperation. GCF was represented at the ceremony by Patrick Van Laake.

The granting of Privileges and Immunities is highly important for the effective operationalisation of the Fund’s investments. Such privileges and immunities agreements serve to protect the Fund’s assets and ensure the effective performance of the Fund’s activities, and are highly important for the effective operationalisation of GCF.

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분류 GCF
Category GCF
출처 Green Climate Fund
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