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제목 [Green Technology Center] Korea Green Climate Technology Outlook 2020
Korea Green Climate Technology Outlook 2020


10p. Greetings

Part.1 Climate Technology Classification in Korea
14p. Background/Objectives/Methodology
16p. Climate Technology Classification in Korea

Part2. Mitigation Technology
24p. Non-Renewable Energy
44p. Renewable Energy
80p. New Energy
92p. Energy Storage
106p. Transmission and Distribution and Electric Power IT
120p. Energy Demand
136p. Greenhouse Gas Fixation

Part3. Adaptation Technology
150p. Agriculture and Livestock
172p. Water
192p. Climate Change Prediction and Monitoring
204p. Oceans, Fisheries, The coast
218p. Health
230p. Forest and Land

Part4. Mitigation/Adaptation Convergence Technology
248p. Multidisciplinary Overlap

270p. The top 100 Climate Technology Companies in Korea
274p. About GTC
276p. Key Achievements
280p. Overview of Global Cooperation in Climate Technology
출처 녹색기술센터 (GTC, Green Technology Center)
정책연구 보고서 이전글 다음글
이전글 [녹색기술센터] 녹색·기후기술 백서 2020
다음글 [GTonline] (GT주간브리프-베를린) BATTERY 2030+ 전략 등 최근 유럽의 배터리 연구개발 동향